一切努力终究敌不过“天注定”? (Can Efforts change "Destiny"?)
一切努力终究敌不过“天注定”? Can Efforts change "Destiny"? by masterderricklee team (风水小助理团) - edited by Delphy Lee Website: https://www.masterderricklee.com Facebook: Master Derrick Lee 李宸宇师傅 Instagram: master.derrick.lee __________________________________________________________________________ 李宸宇师傅 曾为不少人分析过八字命理,而许多人都会有这个疑问: “如果八字不好,是不是一生就是如此了?努力能不能改变结局呢?如果终究天注定,那我努力的意义又是什么? Master Derrick Lee analyzed Bazi numerology for many people, and most of them will have this question: "If the Bazi is not good, will it remain bad along your life? Can effort change the result ? If it is destined, then what is the point of being hard working? 事实上,人们从出生的那刻开始就是场较量了, 一场 “先天注定”以及“后天努力”的较量。 我们经常会听到类似的调侃字眼,比如“含着金汤匙出生”、“开始便赢在起跑点上”、“八字生得好,是富贵命”等等。 In fact, people have been in a contest from the moment they were born, a contest of "innate destiny" and " effort ". We often hear these interesting words, such as "Born with a golden spoon", "W o n at the st...