What is Prosperity Live Burial? (什么是阳地风水生基?)

What is Prosperity Live Burial?

by masterderricklee

 Instagram: master.derrick.lee

"Prosperity Live Burial" (Sheng Ji) is one of the best and most effective feng shui fortune changing methods, a feng shui culture with a history of 5000 years in China. Its origin was to choose a geomantic land for the emperor, the royal family and the wealthy, in order to keep safe and healthy, and to increase their longevity. The huge construction on the imperial mausoleum was actually representing the emperor building his own Sheng Ji. The process requires good combination in timing, geographical, and spiritual aspects, reaching together with the blessing of Feng Shui master, by using the heaven and earth aura to motivate the magnetic field, and then burying personal belongings together with birthdate underneath to enhance personal energy magnetic field. It is believed
that the Fortune will then increased.

Since ancient times, Chinese emperors have believed that "Prosperity Live Burial" can maintain their supremacy. In addition to the emperor, only high-ranking nobles or dignitaries have the qualifications and powers for this. Especially when being surrounded by potential enermies and to deal with the hidden threats, other than having savvy governing strategy in retaining their powers, the emperors also strengthen and consolidate their status by Building Sheng Ji. In ancient times, Master Kan Yu (Feng Shui Master) was appointed to find a rich wonderland with favorable geomantic view for the emperor to build Sheng Ji. Nowadays, times and trends have changed, and everyone can enjoy the benefits brought by building Sheng Ji. Among all the choices, building Sheng Ji in land with pure Yang energy has the most significant effect.

“种生基” 是一种最上乘且最有效的风水转运法,一个属于中国5000年历史的风水文化。其最初的目的是为皇帝、皇族及富贵人家选一块风水宝地,以求平安健康、增寿添福。以前的皇帝一登基就开始修建皇陵,其实就是皇帝在为自己种生基。种生基是将天时、地利、精气神三者结合,加上风水师的加持,运用天地灵气催动磁场,将个人的贴身物品连同生辰八字埋入风水宝地中,从而提升个人能量磁场,运势也随之提升。

自古以来,中国历代皇帝都相信 “种生基” 能保住他们至高无上的地位。除了皇帝,只有位高权重的贵族或达官贵人才拥有种生基的资格及权力。尤其是古代处于背腹受敌及十面埋伏的环境中,皇帝为了保住自己的龙椅和强权,除了要有精明过人的治国策略外,他们也会通过种生基来增强及巩固他们的地位。在古代,勘舆(风水)大师受委为皇上寻觅一处风水宝地来种生基。如今,时代与趋势经已改变,人人都可以享受到种生基带来的好处,其中在纯陽地种生基效果最为显著。

Whenever a person is born, his Bazi character is destined, and no one's Bazi is perfect. Bazi can highlight a person's character, talent, potential, destiny, and lack, etc., these cannot be changed. On the contrary, the acquired fate is created by his own efforts, which it can make up for the innate deficiency.

Sheng Ji can be interpreted as "the foundation of life". It is believed that people build "the foundation of life" to ensure good luck and good health. There are inevitably many ups and downs in your life, but adding blessings to your life helps to enhance the good ones and soothe the frustrations, allowing you to reduce ups and downs, and everything goes smoothly and steadily. Indeed, in Feng Shui, it is confirmed that people can change their destiny through the building Sheng Ji, to achieve the effect of enhancing and replenishing fortune. This unique skill is popular among Taoist believers in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Malaysia.



A land filled with Yang energy refers to a good Feng Shui with no that is not used as a burial ground. Therefore, the feng shui and noble energy of this treasure land can be preserved, and it will be the perfect land to be used as a Shengji blessing land. Therefore, the masters will normally recommend a land with pure Yang energy to build Sheng Ji.

Past ancestors are buried under the "Yin land", because the corruption that produce Yin energy will affect Shengji. It may collided with the main purpose of Sheng Ji. Universal Memorial Park is the only “Yang Di Sheng Ji” in Malaysia and the only geomantic land in Asia with 10 geomantic patterns. After being advised by famous masters, they decided to focus on Sheng Ji instead of setting up a burial ground in order to help Sheng Ji absorb the positive energy of the heavens and the earth, and then enhance the fortune and maintain auspicious Sheng Ji.

> Purely for building Sheng Ji
> Not afraid of being invaded by Ying energy
> Not afraid of being destroyed by animals
> Not afraid of being destroyed by land development
> Well-managed by profession



> 纯为“种生基”而设周围不会有先人葬地
> 不怕被陰气入侵
> 不怕被猛兽蛇虫鼠蚁破坏
> 不担心生基地因被开发而破坏
> 有专人精心打理

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