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【必知】如何在家自己DIY风水 ([Must Know] How to DIY Feng Shui at Home)

    【必知】如何在家自己DIY风水 [Must Know] How to DIY Feng Shui at Home by masterderricklee team (风水小助理团) - edited by Delphy Lee Website: Facebook:  Master Derrick Lee 李宸宇师傅   Instagram: master.derrick.lee __________________________________________________________________________ 在日常生活中,占据人们大部分时间的事情,大致分为两个。 第一是睡眠;而第二则是工作。 两种事情不分轻重。其中一项的失衡,逃不过对另一样的打击。 In daily life, things that occupy most of our time are roughly divided into two ,   S leep  and W ork. Both are equally important . The imbalance of one  cannot escape the blow to the other. 无论是睡眠还是工作,环境的重要性是毋庸置疑的,因为它对睡眠质量和工作效率产生极大影响。相信对于这一点,许多工作人士都深有同感。而我们仔细观察,就会发现人们对这项的重视也反映在生活中的各个角落。 Whether it is sleep or work, the importance of the environment is un deni able, because it has a great impact on the quality of sleep and work efficiency. I believe many working adults  share the same feeling  for this point . And if we observe carefully, we will find that many people ...

立春 The Beginning Of Spring

立春 The Beginning Of Spring Webapp:  Client Space Facebook:  Master Derrick Lee 李宸宇师傅                                                                                                     立春 到底是什么日子? What exactly is Li Chun? 立春 —— 为公历每年2月3至5日之间,表示 着春季开始的日子。 代表着 “开始”和“春天、青春或欢乐”,显然与冬季的荒凉过后的复苏和生长的概念相关联。 Li Chun, falling around 2 - 5 February on the Solar Calendar, officially signifies the start of spring. It symbolizes "beginning" and "spring, youth, or joy," closely associated with the concept of rejuvenation and growth after the desolation of winter. 我们要在立春做什么才好? What should we do on Li Chun? 古代农民在立春这一天举行仪式,祈求新一年播 的 种 迎来 丰收, 是对新一年财富和繁荣的期望。 随着社会远离农业,这一做法 就 演变成了在银行账户 “播种”现金。希望 大家 也能在未来的一年里有个丰收的财务 “收获”。 In ancient times, farmers held cere...