
Showing posts from April, 2021

为什么人越有钱,越相信风水呢?(Why do people believe in Feng Shui when they have more money?)

  为什么人越有钱,越相信风水呢? Why do people believe in Feng Shui when they have more money? by masterderricklee team (风水小助理团) - edited by Delphy Lee Website: Facebook:  Master Derrick Lee 李宸宇师傅   Instagram: master.derrick.lee __________________________________________________________________________ 常听人说: “风水是有钱人才消费得起的,我们平民百姓还是省下来吧… ...” We  often hear people say ing : "Feng Shui is only for the rich   poeple , we common ers  should just save our time ..." 其实 “有钱人” 这个形容词过于片面,也容易误导人们认为风水是让人致富的,而忽略了其他方面的帮助。因此我们笼统地称他们为 “成功人士” ,或者 “富人” ,富在见识,有远见抱负。他们当中不说全部有学识,但绝对有非一般的眼界和见识,对风水的态度不是用一句 “迷信” 可以概述的。 In fact, the word  "rich man" seems too one-sided, and it may  mislead s  people into   the  thinking that Feng Shui can only boost one ’ s wealth while ignoring other   aspects . Instead, we intend to refer "rich people" as   "successful people" , who has rich insight, vision and ambition. Not necessar...